Soil health and how it affects your wealth?

A healthy soil produces vigorous crops with minimal amounts of external inputs and few to no adverse ecological effects. It comprises favorable biological, physical and chemical properties. A biologically healthy soil harbours a large number of various organisms microorganisms like bacterium, fungi, amoebae and paramecia, as well as larger organisms like nematodes, springtails, insect larvae, ants, earthworms and ground beetles. Most area unit useful to plants, enhancing the availability of nutrients and producing chemicals that stimulate plant growth. Our economy stances on the shoulders of our soil and Primary Wealth. Just as there is a need for equilibrium in the Wealth Pyramid, so too is there a need for balance in our soil. Balance is something nature will reach on its own with minimal human interference. Soil health and balance area unit the crux of organic agriculture . And there’s a lot to balance. If you think a lot of life is going on above ground, it sticks in com...