Could GMO crops benefit to solve the climate crisis?

The growth rate of crop harvests in the coming decades will have serious implications for the global food supply under climate change. If the relative yield gains assessed here are any indication of the potential for other crops and/or regions, then the adoption of new technologies such as GE varieties may constitute a potentially fruitful adaptation strategy for counter harmonizing the effects of climate change. There’s not going to be one singular resolution to solve the problem of climate change. In reality, it’s going to take a multi-pronged method compressing everything from reducing our individual carbon footprints to potentially more extreme solutions such as geoengineering . GMO crops cultivate with more healthy and deeper roots that are capable of storing increased amounts of carbon underground for longer; thereby reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. This is based on their detection of a gene which dictates the depth to which plant roots grow in soil. Their goal is to ent...